Intersections with a 90° transfer unit


The PAA can be used to transport workpiece carriers (WT) either in a straight line or into a type-A workstation. The inlet stopper (ES) is deployed when the workpiece carrier needs to be transferred. This brings the workpiece carrier to a halt above the U90° transfer unit. An outside sensor (SA) can be used to determine when the workpiece carrier is in the correct position. During this operation, subsequent workpiece carriers in the system are held back by a workstation stopper (AS). Once the workpiece carrier has been transferred, a lower sensor (SU) can be used to determine when it has moved fully away from the U90° transfer unit.



A PAE section is used when workpiece carriers (WT) have to be introduced the main belt from a transverse section or workstation branch. As with the P90E, the workpiece carrier travels as far as the outside stop (AA). The outside sensor (SA) is able to determine the position of the workpiece carrier when it is located directly above the U90° transfer unit. During the transfer process, the workstation stopper (AS) holds back the next workpiece carriers on the main belt. However, if a workpiece carrier on the main belt has right of way, the workpiece carriers on the transverse section are also held back by a workstation stopper (AS).



The PBEA redirects workpiece carriers (WT) to a type-B workstation if required and can also transfer returning workpiece carriers onto the main belt. Unlike the PBA workstation, however, workpiece carriers leaving the type-B workstation do not travel against an outside stop (AA) but are transferred onto the main belt in a straight line by the U90° transfer unit. Workpiece carriers being conveyed on the main belt without going through the type-B workstation travel against a sensor holder (SEA). This brings each workpiece carrier into position, stopping it above the U90° transfer unit.



The PBEE allows workpiece carriers (WT) to be transported from the main belt into a type-B workstation without changing direction using a U90° transfer unit or to be transferred onto a perpendicular main belt. To distribute workpiece carriers, a transverse belt stop (SEAE) is used. This unit consists of two stoppers that are driven in parallel. If the stop latches of the transverse belt stop are disengaged, the workpiece carrier can travel into the type-B workstation. If the latches are engaged, the workpiece carrier is brought to a halt above the U90° transfer unit. The transfer unit is then lowered, and the workpiece carrier is placed onto the perpendicular main belt.



This station is required on subsidiary branches of type-A corner workstations in order to transport workpiece carriers (WT) onto a subsidiary workstation belt or a perpendicular main belt. Whereas workpiece carriers in the P90E are brought to a halt using an outside stop (AA), a transverse belt stop (SEAE) is used here. This unit consists of two stoppers that are driven in parallel. If the stop latches of the transverse belt stop are disengaged, the workpiece carrier can continue to travel along the belt. If the latches are engaged, the workpiece carrier is brought to a halt above the U90° transfer unit. The transfer unit is then lowered, and the workpiece carrier is placed onto the perpendicular main belt.



The PTE workstation is used to feed a transverse section or workstation branch back into the main belt of the conveyor system. Such a situation may arise downstream of a type-A workstation, for instance. Workpiece carriers (WT) coming from the main belt are positioned above the U90° transfer unit by a sensor holder (SEA). At the same time, workpiece carriers entering the transverse section are held back by a workstation stopper (AS). However, if a workpiece carrier on the transverse section or workstation branch has right of way, the workpiece carriers on the main belt are held back by a workstation stopper (AS). A lower sensor (SU) is able to determine when the workpiece carrier has moved fully away from the transfer unit.



The PBA redirects workpiece carriers (WT) to a type-B workstation and can also transfer returning workpiece carriers onto the main belt. However, workpiece carriers can also remain on the main belt and bypass the type-B workstation. In most cases, the PBA workstation is supplied in combination with a P180 workstation to transfer the workpiece carriers onto the return belt downstream of the type-B workstation.